Master 8 Japan

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The word “MASTER” represents the definition of an honorable craftsman who has been cultivated over many years. The number “8” represents many facets in the design of Master 8 Japan Picks. An octave scale consists of 8 notes, the elemental number of Oxygen is “8” and its crucial role and indispensable presence for human beings. It’s also part of the name of the town – “Gujo Hachiman – 郡上八(8)幡” in the Gifu prefecture, where Ikeda Picks’ is based at.  All these different aspects of the meaning of “8” are merged into the design philosophy and the making of Master 8 Japan Picks.


The unification with the concepts of “8” and the artistry of master craftsmanship result in the exquisite quality and the exceptional device (Master8Japan picks) in connecting between the musicians and their instruments to create and express.


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