Right On! – Tattoo

NZD $ 120.00

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SKU: 8436612540719 Category:


  • Width: 2 3/8 ” – 6 cm
  • Color: BlueBeigeGreyBlackRedGreen
  • Instrument: Guitar Acoustic GuitarBass GuitarMandolinBanjoBass guitarElectric guitar
  • Material: Vegan LeatherGRS Fabric
  • Minimum Size: 39,37 in – 100 cm
  • Adjustable to: 59 in – 150 cm
  • Padding: Padding 5 mm

    Tattoo Guitar Strap – A Journey Through Art

    Tattoo Guitar Strap: Inspired by classic tattoos and designed by artist Xenia Grey, this strap represents the journey of a person, an artist, a musician. Each symbol carries a deep meaning, reflecting life experiences and personal transformation.

    • The serpent: Represents life, its infinite cycles, and an inextinguishable passion.
    • The swallows: One at the beginning and another at the end of the journey. The first symbolizes hope and dreams; the second returns transformed after all storms, carrying a message in its beak.
    • The roses: Symbolize the beauty and perfection sought in music and art.
    • The heart: Represents love in all its forms, an unavoidable life experience.
    • The dagger: Stands for life’s hardships, sacrifice, strength, and also danger. It symbolizes challenges that have been overcome.
    • The North Star / Compass Rose: Marks direction and determination along the path.
    • The skull: Represents not death, but irreversible decisions, the warrior spirit, and transformation—leaving behind the old self and emerging reborn.
    • The hand holding the serpent: Reminds us that life is in our hands, and our choices define who we are.
    • The final swallow: Concludes the cycle, returning safe with a story to tell.

    This guitar strap is more than an accessory—it is a symbol of life itself, a reminder of the musician’s journey through art, passion, and transformation.